
Welcome to the archive of apps!

Here you can see my past web frontend development projects built in JavaScript.

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Datalogger Client

Year: 2024

Tech StackDescription
React.jsFrontend library for building UIs
WebSocketProtocol for real-time data transfer
Git Version ControlDistributed version control system
PlatformIOEmbedded development platform
SD card storageWeb fileserver for file transfers and .csv and .json files for persistence
LibrariesMui, react-draggable, react-moveable, react-dnd, react-canvas-gauges, react-gauges, and recharts ...

React client app running locally, connected to the ESP32 access point with real-time temperature sensor data coming in via WebSocket.

WaitUp! App

Year: 2024

Tech StackDescription
FigmaDesign and prototyping tool
ReactFrontend library for building UIs
SupabaseReal-time database service
JiraProject and task management

Engineered an innovative, scalable restaurant waiting system where I used the Material-UI framework to create these responsive vivid pages.

Airbrb Booking System

Year: 2023

An Airbnb-inspired booking app with dynamic multi-page functionality. Features included calendars and the ability to create, view, update, or remove booking listings.

Tech StackDescription
React.jsFrontend library for building UIs
Node.jsBackend runtime environment
JSONUsed for storing and managing booking data
MUIMaterial-UI framework for styling components and UI elements.

Developed in a pair, focusing on interactive and user-friendly design. Picked up new things about filters, REST API and cool features such as x-charts and date pickers.

Slackr Messaging App

Year: 2023

Slack-Inspired Messaging App

A simple Slack-inspired messaging app with CRUD functionality. Key features that I learnt about were authentication, private/public channel invitations, pagination, message pinning, reacts and edits.

Tech StackDescription
HTML5Standard markup language for creating web pages
CSS3Style sheet language for designing web pages
JavaScriptProgramming language to create dynamic web pages

